Types of unhealthy communication patterns: 4 ways to improve them

In any relationship, healthy communication forms one of the foundation blocks. It determines the strength and connection in the relationship. Honest communication that helps people to reach clarity is extremely important. “We all deserve to be heard/express ourselves and we have a responsibility to make sure we communicate in a healthy way. How you say something has a huge impact on how the other person will respond to you and whether you will be heard,” wrote Therapist Israa Nasir. The expert further noted down a few types of communications that can be unhealthy in a relationship.

Types of unhealthy communication patterns: 4 ways to improve them(Unsplash)

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6 types of communications that are unhealthy:

Aggressive communication: in this type of communication, a person may try to be more confrontational and dominating – this is done with the intention of proving the point and making a stand but can take an ugly turn very soon.

Manipulative communication: In this type of communication, a person tries to be deceitful and cunning with the intention of controlling the perspective and decisions of others.

Defensive communication: A person, when they are being defensive and hostile when faced with feedback or criticism, may often resort to defensive communication.

Dismissive communication: This type of communication involves one person dismissing the opinions of the other person and trying to suppress their voice.

Passive-aggressive communication: In this type of communication, a person may express negativity but in an indirect way.

Passive communication: In this type of communication, a person tries to avoid communication altogether, leading to resentment and frustration.

4 ways to improve assertive communication skills:

Practice: The best way to sharpen assertive communication skills is by roleplaying with a friend and experimenting with various scenarios to understand which responses are healthy.

Journal thoughts: maintain a journal to pour your heart, your emotions and keep track of daily interactions that you can reflect on later.

Expose to challenge: Gradually expose yourself to more challenging situations and try to assess progress by understanding the best way to go forward.

Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to be more grounded and centered to relax, be calm before coming up with a response.

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