Facebook Parent Meta Let Netflix Read Users’ Private Messages in Exchange for Data, Wanted To Start Own Streaming Platform: Reports

New Delhi, April 2: Facebook parent Meta lets Netflix to read user’s private messages in exchange for data. According to reports, Meta, Facebook’s parent company, allowed Netflix to look into users’ personal messages. This happened after the decision by Meta to close Facebook Watch which they launched as a streaming service in April 2023.

As per a report of Times Now, Facebook is facing an antitrust lawsuit and has been accused of sharing users’ private messages with Netflix. This is a concern for Facebook users who expect their conversations to remain confidential. The details of these allegations suggest a breach of trust and privacy, as users’ personal messages may have been used to help Netflix to customise its content and services. Google To Remove Billions of Files Containing Personal Data in Settlement of Chrome Privacy Case.

The antitrust lawsuit alleges that the reason Meta, in leaving its streaming service wasn’t just about cost-cutting; it had a lot to do with Netflix, one of its key ads partners. Additionally, Facebook is accused for engaging in anti-competitive behaviour. It is claimed that Facebook let Netflix into users’ private message boxes under an agreement made as far back as 2013.

According to leaked court papers, Facebook and Netflix have developed a close alliance fostered by Netflix’s advertising budget on Facebook’s platform. It seems like this partnership enabled Netflix to obstruct Facebook from becoming a platform in the streaming industry. Netflix increased its expenditure on Facebook ads to USD 150 million per year by early 2019, according to reports. During this time, Netflix also entered into agreements with Facebook data analytics linked to user data, possibly including personal messages. ChatGPT Account Creation: OpenAI’s AI Chatbot Now Accessible Without Creating Account Through Step-by-Step Sign Up Process.

Meta said that the allegations stated in the complaint are baseless, although none of its specific data-sharing practices with Netflix or termination of Facebook Watch are given. Facebook users might be worried following this lawsuit, which shows that Meta has been trying to diminish these allegations by saying that its deals with Netflix were standard in the industry; however, it has not mentioned if there was any competition from Netflix that resulted in Facebook Watch ending.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 02, 2024 08:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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