What Percentage of Plumbers Are Female?

Percentage of Plumbers Are Female

The trades are largely a male-dominated industry. When you think of tradies, you probably picture a man and it’s easy to see why – male workers tend to do manual work. While this is slowly changing, we still have a long way to go. This is why it’s important to encourage women to consider a career in the plumbing industry.

The truth is that many of these women have a passion for the job. They know that it’s not just a lucrative job, but one that allows them to be independent and provide for their family. In fact, some even prefer the perks of being a plumber compared to those of a corporate worker!

There’s no doubt that female plumbers have a lot to offer. They aren’t just competent in the workplace but they can also bring a new perspective and approach to plumbing. According to research from CCL, a higher percentage of females in the workplace leads to greater employee satisfaction and engagement. This is especially true when it comes to male-dominated workplaces like plumbing.

In the United Kingdom, there’s a huge shortage of plumbers. Currently, there are around 120,00 to 150,000 plumbers across the country and it’s estimated that we need almost four times as many.

With that in mind, it’s important for people to start thinking outside the box when it comes to recruiting new staff. As such, the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) has published advice for employers to help encourage more women into the industry. For example, they suggest that companies make their gender diversity goals public and use diverse interview panels when hiring. They should also avoid using obviously discriminatory language like ‘tradesman’ when advertising jobs.

What Percentage of Plumbers Are Female?

Some women have used this guidance to enter the industry from completely different career paths. For example, one woman who became a plumber switched from nursing and hospitality. While this might be a rare case, it highlights that it’s never too late to make a career change. There are plenty of women who want to become plumbers and it’s simply a matter of finding the right apprenticeship for them.

Another important point to remember is that it shouldn’t be a requirement for women to have a university degree before becoming a plumber. In fact, a high school diploma is often sufficient for an apprentice. In addition, some plumbing companies offer scholarships to allow women without the financial means to gain qualifications in the field. These scholarships can be extremely helpful for those who are considering a career as a plumber.

With a shortage of skilled tradesmen, it’s vital that we encourage more women to consider a plumbing career. Thankfully, there’s an increasing number of organisations who are helping to do just that. For example, Choice Training runs a scholarship program each year where two women are offered an apprenticeship that will allow them to earn a qualification as a plumber. For more information, visit the Choice Training website to find out how you can get involved.

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