Want to teach kids about self-love? Here are 5 things to do

Published on Feb 17, 2024 05:55 PM IST

  • From teaching them body positivity to pointing out their positive qualities, here are a few ways to teach kids about self-love.


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Published on Feb 17, 2024 05:55 PM IST

The relationship we have with ourselves is one of the most important ones. Teaching kids about the importance of self-love and finding joy in being ourselves is an important parenting activity. Psychologist Jazmine McCoy shared five things that we must do as parents to imbibe the sense of self-confidence, self-importance and self-love in children at an early age.(Unsplash)


We should make them feel important in the family – from asking their opinion to emphasising teamwork by approaching them to help us. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 17, 2024 05:55 PM IST

We should make them feel important in the family – from asking their opinion to emphasising teamwork by approaching them to help us. (Unsplash)


We should focus on complimenting them for their effort rather than the results – this makes them feel that they are important and doing something great. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 17, 2024 05:55 PM IST

We should focus on complimenting them for their effort rather than the results – this makes them feel that they are important and doing something great. (Unsplash)


We should teach the importance of setting boundaries at an early age. When they learn what is healthy for them and what is not, it helps them to prioritise themselves. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 17, 2024 05:55 PM IST

We should teach the importance of setting boundaries at an early age. When they learn what is healthy for them and what is not, it helps them to prioritise themselves. (Unsplash)


We should point out positive qualities that make them stand out from others. This will improve their self-confidence and self-trust. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 17, 2024 05:55 PM IST

We should point out positive qualities that make them stand out from others. This will improve their self-confidence and self-trust. (Unsplash)


We should imbibe body positivity in them. We should avoid talking about bodies negatively, and instead teach them to accept their bodies the way they are. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 17, 2024 05:55 PM IST

We should imbibe body positivity in them. We should avoid talking about bodies negatively, and instead teach them to accept their bodies the way they are. (Unsplash)

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