TikTok AI Generated Content Label: Short-Video Hosting Platform Starts Automatically Labelling AI-Generated Content To Prevent Them From Confusing or Misleading Viewers

Mumbai, May 11: TikTok recently announced that it will automatically label the content created on third-party platforms using artificial intelligence. TikTok’s move to label the AI-generated images on the platform aimed to prevent the photos and videos from misleading its viewers and avoid confusion. These content generated from artificial intelligence technology are convincing yet false and now many tools available in the market that offer such content. 

According to a report by Macrumors, TikTok has already started labelling AI-generated content, including images and video. The report also said that the short-video hosting platform would soon announce a similar option to label audio-only content generated using artificial intelligence. The report mentioned that the content that the TikTok users created using its AI creation tools had already shown an “AI label” for over a year. WhatsApp New Privacy Update: Meta-Owned App Working on Feature To Restrict Users From Taking Profile Picture’s Screenshots on iOS.

Despite already using the AI label for its own creation tools, TikTok is now extending its labelling to image content created using artificial intelligence on other platforms. To do this, TikTok will reportedly utilize a technology called ‘Content Credentials’ from the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA). These Content Credentials attach metadata to the AI content, aiding in the process of AI labelling and ensuring the content’s authenticity. 

According to Macrumors, TikTok’s AI labelling will be a gradual process, with a distinct label reading ‘AI-Generated’ appearing under the TikTok username of any user’s account. This labelling process will require the inclusion of Content Credentials to identify and label the content. As other social media platforms adopt these credentials, the AI identification process is expected to increase. This tech will make it easier for users to stay safe from misleading content, misunderstandings, and confusion over  authenticity. X Account Ban: Elon Musk’s Social Platform Banned Over 1.8 Lakh Accounts in India Between March 26 and April 25 for Promoting Child Sexual Exploitation and Non-Consensual Nudity.

Soon, TikTok will add Content Credentials to the platform’s content, and even after downloading the images and videos, the AI Generated label will remain. In the same way, the users on the other platforms could take the help of C2PA Verify Tools to find out if the content was made using TikTok’s AI Tools.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 11, 2024 06:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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