Signs your anxious partner is growing emotionally

Published on Nov 24, 2023 05:51 PM IST

  • From being more resilient to being open to seeking help, here are a few signs that our anxious partner is starting to grow emotionally.

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Published on Nov 24, 2023 05:51 PM IST

Being with an anxious partner can be challenging. However, with a little patience and understanding, we can foster growth and healing. “Together, you can navigate the path beyond anxiety, growing emotionally, and fostering a nurturing, understanding bond,” wrote Psychologist Benjamin Ekorhi as she shared the signs of an anxious partner healing and growing emotionally.(Unsplash)

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A person healing from anxiety starts to become more self-aware. They start to understand their behaviour patterns, triggers, traumas better. (Unsplash)
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Published on Nov 24, 2023 05:51 PM IST

A person healing from anxiety starts to become more self-aware. They start to understand their behaviour patterns, triggers, traumas better. (Unsplash)

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The journey of healing is long and full of resilience. A person who has started healing will be more equipped to handle the challenges thrown at them by life. (Unsplash)
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Published on Nov 24, 2023 05:51 PM IST

The journey of healing is long and full of resilience. A person who has started healing will be more equipped to handle the challenges thrown at them by life. (Unsplash)

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In case they are not able to handle their anxiety by themselves, they start to become more open to seeking external help. (Unsplash)
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Published on Nov 24, 2023 05:51 PM IST

In case they are not able to handle their anxiety by themselves, they start to become more open to seeking external help. (Unsplash)

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An anxious partner starts to show more interest in taking care of themselves as they become more emotionally mature. (Unsplash)
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Published on Nov 24, 2023 05:51 PM IST

An anxious partner starts to show more interest in taking care of themselves as they become more emotionally mature. (Unsplash)

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Emotional growth also shows up as being more optimistic and positive towards life. Their perspectives start to change, and they embrace life as it happens. (Unsplash)
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Published on Nov 24, 2023 05:51 PM IST

Emotional growth also shows up as being more optimistic and positive towards life. Their perspectives start to change, and they embrace life as it happens. (Unsplash)


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