Relationship tips: 10 warning signs of poor communication in marriage

Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

From selective listening to defensiveness, let’s explore some telltale signs of poor communication in marriage and their potential impacts on the relationship.


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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

A strong marriage is built on effective communication, which fosters closeness, understanding and trust between spouses. On the other hand, poor communication can plant the seeds of conflict and misunderstanding. Amanda Twiggs, marriage coach and intimacy expert shared in her recent Instagram post some telltale signs of poor communication in marriage and their potential impacts on the relationship.(Shutterstock)


Distraction and lack of eye contact: You often find yourself distracted by external factors or internal thoughts, leading to minimal eye contact with your spouse. This behaviour can indicate a lack of focus and engagement in the conversation.(Pexels)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Distraction and lack of eye contact: You often find yourself distracted by external factors or internal thoughts, leading to minimal eye contact with your spouse. This behaviour can indicate a lack of focus and engagement in the conversation.(Pexels)


Frequent interruptions: You frequently interrupt your spouse before they finish speaking, demonstrating impatience and a disregard for their perspective. Interrupting can prevent them from fully expressing their thoughts and feelings. (Pexels)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Frequent interruptions: You frequently interrupt your spouse before they finish speaking, demonstrating impatience and a disregard for their perspective. Interrupting can prevent them from fully expressing their thoughts and feelings. (Pexels)


Failure to validate their emotions: Instead of acknowledging and validating your spouse's emotions, you dismiss or minimize their feelings. This response can leave them feeling unheard and invalidated, hindering effective communication.(Pexels)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Failure to validate their emotions: Instead of acknowledging and validating your spouse’s emotions, you dismiss or minimize their feelings. This response can leave them feeling unheard and invalidated, hindering effective communication.(Pexels)


Jumping to solutions: Rather than actively listening and empathizing, you immediately jump to providing solutions or advice. This can make your spouse feel unheard and invalidated, as they may simply be seeking understanding and emotional support.(Pexels)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Jumping to solutions: Rather than actively listening and empathizing, you immediately jump to providing solutions or advice. This can make your spouse feel unheard and invalidated, as they may simply be seeking understanding and emotional support.(Pexels)


Selective listening: You only focus on specific parts of the conversation that align with your preconceived notions or agenda. This selective listening prevents you from fully understanding your spouse's perspective and can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.(Pexels)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Selective listening: You only focus on specific parts of the conversation that align with your preconceived notions or agenda. This selective listening prevents you from fully understanding your spouse’s perspective and can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.(Pexels)


Defensiveness and counterattacks: Instead of genuinely listening and considering your spouse's viewpoint, you become defensive and respond with counterattacks or criticism. This defensive behaviour blocks effective communication and hinders resolving issues.(Pexels)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Defensiveness and counterattacks: Instead of genuinely listening and considering your spouse’s viewpoint, you become defensive and respond with counterattacks or criticism. This defensive behaviour blocks effective communication and hinders resolving issues.(Pexels)


Lack of empathy: You struggle to put yourself in your spouse's shoes and understand their emotions and experiences. This lack of empathy can create a disconnect in the relationship, making your spouse feel unsupported and unvalued.(Pexels)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Lack of empathy: You struggle to put yourself in your spouse’s shoes and understand their emotions and experiences. This lack of empathy can create a disconnect in the relationship, making your spouse feel unsupported and unvalued.(Pexels)


Shifting the focus to yourself: During conversations, you consistently shift the focus back to yourself, redirecting the discussion to your own experiences or emotions. This self-centered approach detracts from active listening and prevents your spouse from feeling truly heard.(Pexels)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Shifting the focus to yourself: During conversations, you consistently shift the focus back to yourself, redirecting the discussion to your own experiences or emotions. This self-centered approach detracts from active listening and prevents your spouse from feeling truly heard.(Pexels)


Forgetting important details: You frequently forget or misremember important details shared by your spouse, indicating a lack of attentiveness and engagement. This can make your spouse feel unimportant and discouraged from sharing their thoughts and experiences.(Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Forgetting important details: You frequently forget or misremember important details shared by your spouse, indicating a lack of attentiveness and engagement. This can make your spouse feel unimportant and discouraged from sharing their thoughts and experiences.(Unsplash)


Repetitive arguments: You find yourselves having the same arguments over and over again without making progress. This repetition suggests a lack of effective listening and an inability to address underlying issues and concerns.(Pixabay)
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Published on Feb 20, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Repetitive arguments: You find yourselves having the same arguments over and over again without making progress. This repetition suggests a lack of effective listening and an inability to address underlying issues and concerns.(Pixabay)

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