Propose Day 2024: 6 biggest proposal mistakes people make

Propose Day is celebrated on the second day of the 7-day long Valentine’s Week, ahead of V-Day celebrations on February 14. After months or years of knowing each other, there comes a stage when you are ready to move forward in a relationship and commit to a lifelong journey of trust and companionship. A proposal is a significant milestone in a relationship, and it is important to put forward your intent to spend your life with your significant other in the right way. A rough and rushed proposal can even ruin things between partners, while a thoughtful one can strengthen the bond for life. While proposing to your partner this Valentine’s Week, do not forget to follow certain basic rules. Make sure to drop hints and have conversations around future of your relationship before proposing to your partner. (Also read | Valentine’s Week Full List 2023: Rose Day, Propose Day to Kiss Day; significance and more explained about 7 days of love)

A proposal is a significant milestone in a relationship, and it is important to put forward your intent to spend your life with your significant other in the right way. (Freepik)

“The purpose of a proposal is to formally ask for someone’s hand in marriage, demonstrating commitment and a desire to build a life together. It marks a significant milestone in a relationship, symbolizing love, devotion, and the intent to spend the future together,” says Dr Chandni Tugnait is M.D. (Alternative Medicines), Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Business Coach, NLP Expert, Healer, Founder & Director – Gateway of Healing.

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“A proposal marks a transition to life’s most significant commitment between two lovers. It signals to move the relationship to the ultimate stage of intimacy, permanence, and bonding as life partners. A proposal demonstrates serious intention for a shared future together. Making it official requires immense courage, vulnerability and dedication to commit without hesitation. Propose Day generates tremendous excitement, celebration with loved ones, and fond memories for couples to reminisce upon later as major milestones. Proposing someone is a big deal, so quite a bit of effort and planning often goes into making it perfect,” adds Dr Chandni.

Planning a proposal comes with its share of pressures and nervousness. Some freeze up, rush through or forget the key elements they wanted to say. Getting caught up in the exhilaration of proposing to your loved one can cause even the most well-intentioned partners to make missteps.

Proposal mistakes to avoid

Here are 6 proposal mistakes to avoid as per Dr Chandni.

1. Public spectacle if you have a shy partner: Know if surprising them in front of a crowd would thrill or horrify them. Keep it intimate if they are shy. Incorporating their interest as reflecting someone’s passions shows how well you know and cherish them.

2. Cheesy gimmicks that seem more about your ego: Don’t propose on a jumbotron or hire a flash mob unless your partner genuinely appreciates the showmanship. Keep it about your relationship – sprinkle in private references that only the two of you understand and add endearing elements tailored just for them.

3. Assuming or skipping the conversation: Don’t just expect they’ll say yes without deeply discussing marriage intentions clearly as a couple first. Also, don’t propose in hopes of rescuing a failing relationship or nudge your timeline faster than you both sincerely feel prepared for.

4. Making it more about the Instagram photo op than emotional connection: Lavish, heavily staged settings can lose sight of what matters most: the vulnerability & intimacy of asking your soulmate to marry you. If you have any clue they may decline, discuss readiness first rather than putting them on the spot, hoping for a fairy tale reaction.

5. Hiding damaging secrets that could surface later: It’s tempting for one or both partners to conceal issues like excessive debts, substance abuse problems, infidelity, undisclosed children, or other difficult truths for fear of judgment or a relationship ending. However, entering a commitment while hiding secrets breeds insecurity and erodes essential trust.

6. Making the proposal more about you than your partnership: Resist extravagant gestures meant more for social flair than nuanced, intimate meaning. Concentrate on crafting details holding symbolic weight for both individuals. Welcome their input to avoid misaligned surprises. When done thoughtfully through a jointly focused lens rather than self-serving ego, the proposal day can be a delightful memory for a lifetime.

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