Parental invalidation: 7 ways it can affect us

When we are brought up in dysfunctional homes under the supervision of emotionally immature parents, we do not receive the love, care and affection that we deserved as a child. This invalidation can further transcend into self-doubt as we grow up. Parental invalidation has a deep impact on our lives and affects the way we behave and think in our adult relationships as well. “Parental invalidation, where our emotions and experiences are dismissed or belittled, can have a deep impact on us, especially when dealing with C-PTSD. Recognising this can be a pivotal part of the healing process,” wrote Therapist Linda Meredith.

Parental invalidation: 7 ways it can affect us(Unsplash)

ALSO READ: Ways by which parents can unintentionally harm their children while growing up

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Low self-esteem: When a child is constantly avoided and invalidated by the caregivers, they start to believe that their worth is very less. This further leads to having low self-esteem as they grow up.

Difficulty expressing emotions: They have a difficult time expressing their emotions and communicating their feelings with clarity. They also start to believe that their emotions are not worthy of sharing with others and should be suppressed instead.

Anxiety and depression: When the child’s emotions are not validated and addressed. It can lead to long-term emotional distress, further transcending to anxiety and depression in the later years of life.

Self-doubt: They also start to doubt themselves – their emotions, abilities and needs. They try to suppress their needs, wants and expectations.

Relationship difficulties: these complications further lead to having difficulties in their adult relationships as well.

Perfectionism: Children who have been invalidated by their parents in childhood tend to develop a tendency towards perfectionism as they think that to be the only way to gain validation.

Difficulty trusting others: They have a difficult time trusting others, and hence, face challenges in developing close relationships as they grow up. This can further stop them from having quality relationships in their adulthood.

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