5 ways to shower love on yourself

ByZarafshan Shiraz, New Delhi

Feeling empowered isn’t always about accomplishing big goals; sometimes ‘loving yourself’ is all about waking up confident and assured about yourself as in a fast-paced world like today, it is becoming increasingly important for individuals, especially women to invest in themselves in simple ways that elevates their quality of life and unburdens them from the constant pressures they face. Reports suggest that any form of self-care or self-love has numerous ‘feel good’ benefits while studies have found out that showering love on yourself has direct impact on your self-confidence which has seen an uptick of 64% amongst individuals.

5 ways to shower love on yourself (Photo by Instagram)

Simple tactics and routines have proven to also boost people’s productivity and overall happiness with a heightened sense of pride for oneself which become effortless when confidence emanates from your mind, body and soul however, as easy as it may seem, loving yourself and being comfortable in your skin comes with practice. Humans are often distracted by the polished facades of celebrities, influencers and ‘icons’ – overlooking the facts to achieve the ‘grammable’ life, they too have opted for transformations, routines and enhancements that enables them to embrace an elevated lifestyle with the utmost confidence and positivity.

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Making positive investments for your inner and outer appearance is more than just ‘change’ — it is about living better, embracing every moment with newfound joy and vitality. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Prakriti Poddar, Global Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing at Roundglass Living App, shared, “In a fast-paced world of ours, it is important to understand that self-care is not a luxury but a fundamental practice that supports overall wellness and growth, especially for women. Taking some time out for yourself or sitting down for a guided meditation is a step towards nurturing your wellbeing so that you are able to help others from a place of love and abundance.”

She recommended the following practices for cultivating self-love –

  1. Mindfulness and meditation: These time-tested practices cut through the clutter and chaos and align your thoughts. They make your mind clearer, calmer, and sharper. Studies have established that regular practice of meditation can alleviate stress, improve social relationships as well as give us the necessary ‘me’ time that we deserve.
  2. Gratitude: Acknowledging and valuing the gifts [of life] you receive fosters a potent sense of positivity that enhances confidence and makes us more grounded. Expressing gratitude has numerous health benefits, such as boosting the immune system and elevating positive emotions. Embrace gratitude openly in your words, actions and expressions.
  3. Self-compassion: It pays to be kind to yourself. Studies indicate that being kind to oneself is associated with greater optimism and happiness. It is also important to understand that expressing your emotions isn’t a sign of weakness and asking for help when you need it helps you take care of yourself.

According to Dr Amit Gupta, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at Divine Aesthetics Surgery, following are some surgical ways to help individuals shower love and care upon themselves, essential for leading a truly fulfilling life –

  1. For some extra ‘TLC’, one way to look after your body is through Facial and Body Sculpting Treatments that address stubborn areas of fat accumulation and help you achieve a more contoured look. These procedures empower individuals, especially women who want to pursue their dreams and aspirations with unwavering belief in themselves. Ultimately, these treatments pave the way for a life filled with joy, fulfilment, and boundless possibilities.
  2. As we get older, we can’t escape the changes that come with time and gravity. However, our inner age doesn’t always match what we see in the mirror. Botox treatment is an easy way to enhance your natural beauty. Botox is used as an anti-aging treatment, as it is an easy way to lessen the appearance of wrinkles. But there are procedures like facelifts, and eyelid lifts that can lift your confidence. Imagine waking up each day and seeing a reflection that mirrors the energy and enthusiasm you feel inside. That’s the amazing impact these procedures can have.

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