5 signs that you sacrifice too much for the approval of your partner

Published on Feb 27, 2024 04:03 PM IST

  • Here are five signs that we sacrifice a lot to gain the approval of the partner in a relationship.


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Published on Feb 27, 2024 04:03 PM IST

Compromising and sacrificing in a relationship are very different. It is important to understand that for the approval of the partner, we should not lose our own self-worth and dignity. “Take a moment to acknowledge how many signs of self-sacrifice apply to you. Let’s continuously give ourselves up maintaining relationships. We ultimately become so disconnected from ourselves that we feel resentful, directionless, lost, and don’t know who we are anymore,” wrote Therapist Klara Kernig. Here are five signs that we are sacrificing too much for the approval of the partner.(Unsplash)


We often hide our needs, thoughts and opinions because we think we will be judged or misunderstood because of that. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 27, 2024 04:03 PM IST

We often hide our needs, thoughts and opinions because we think we will be judged or misunderstood because of that. (Unsplash)


Even when we feel offended or uncomfortable by the partner, we hide our emotions because we do not want to express them. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 27, 2024 04:03 PM IST

Even when we feel offended or uncomfortable by the partner, we hide our emotions because we do not want to express them. (Unsplash)


We often betray our values and belief system to do things that will make the partner happy and will get us their approval. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 27, 2024 04:03 PM IST

We often betray our values and belief system to do things that will make the partner happy and will get us their approval. (Unsplash)


We fear being made fun of by our partners, hence we hide our interests and passion and talk ourselves out of them. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 27, 2024 04:03 PM IST

We fear being made fun of by our partners, hence we hide our interests and passion and talk ourselves out of them. (Unsplash)


When we are poorly treated by others, we still find excuses to explain their behaviour, rather than standing up for ourselves. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 27, 2024 04:03 PM IST

When we are poorly treated by others, we still find excuses to explain their behaviour, rather than standing up for ourselves. (Unsplash)

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